02-Strutter (Cleveland, Ohio. EEUU 1974)
03-King of the Nigh time World (Toronto, Canada. 1976)
04-Tossin and Tourin (Largo, Maryland. EEUU. 1979)
05-Talk to me (Sidney, Australia. 1980)
06- Its that you (Sidney, Australia. 1980)
07-First like a glove (Nashville, Tenesse.EEUU. 1984)
08-All hell´s breakin´loose (Nashville, Tenesse. EEUU.1984)
09-Bang bang you (New York. EEUU. 1988)
10-Crazy crazy nights (New York. EEUU.1988)
11-Unholy (Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1994)
12-I was made for loving you (Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1994)